Esther M. Lederberg
The Vanished Polish-Ukrainian World


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Tatra mountains
Tatra Mountains

Three artists, and photographs help us to visualize the Polish-Ukrainian world.

We are so lucky that photographs and art exists to show us this lost world of Poland, Lithuania, the Ukraine and Wallachia. It is this world that Johann Gottfried Herder valued, but that Immanuel Kant and Frederick the Great, mired in racism, wanted to destroy.

Two films are of immediate interest. The world focusing upon Moldava, Wallachia, and the Bujak were a crossroads for various Mongol Hordes/Tatars, Cumans/Kipchaks, Poles, semi-state Cossaks, Lithuanians, Jews, etc.
  1. "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors"
  2. "Aferim!"


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